Grand Champions & Grand Premiers
We are a bit into numbers, so here is a breakdown of every cat we have achieved the title of Grand Champion or Grand Premier since our first Grand in 1978!
Cats Granded by Cacao Cattery (1978 to present):
* = GC Brannaway Picasso, GC Brannaway Georgia O'Keefe, and GC Brannaway Modigliani (littermates) were raised, shown, and granded by Cacao for Brannaway Cattery, so they are included as part of our grands. Both GC, RW Hisglory Anticipation and GC Hisglory Carissa were also conditioned and granded by Cacao from kittens, so they are also included. There have been other cats that have been conditioned, shown, and granded by us for other catteries in the past - GC Cactusway Chocolate Bruiser and GC Caliente The Giz of Ghin are two examples - but we chose only to include cats that were with us from kittens through adults/granding. The others came to us as adults with some grand points.
** = GC, GPD, NW Cacao Fire In My Pachette, DM is the only "double" grand on this list. She is only counted once toward the total number of grands.
- 328 total cats "Granded"
- 292 cats "Granded" under the Cacao prefix
- 243 cats titled Grand Champion
- 157 "Pure" Persians "Granded" (meaning non-CPC lines)
- 104 cats "Granded" in the Calico&Bi-color division of Persians
- 99 cats "Granded" in the Solid division of Persians
- 88 cats titled Grand Premier
- 70 Color-point carrier "Granded" Persians
- 55 cats "Granded" in the Pointed division of Persians
- 38 cats "Granded" bred by other catteries
- 15 cats "Granded" in the Particolor division of Persians
- 20 American Shorthairs
- 18 American Wirehairs
- 11 cats in the Tabby division
- 6 Exotic Shorthairs
- 1 Russian Blue
- 1 Turkish Van
- Solids (99)
- Blue-Eyed Whites (4)
- Pure Persians(4)
- Males (2)
- GC Cacao Ice Maker (0100-1716554)
- GC Cacao Heir Apparent (0100-02756816)
- Females (2)
- GC Cacao Mayflower (0101-196768)
- GC Fontaine Chicory of Cacao (0101-3920)
- Males (2)
- Pure Persians(4)
- Copper-Eyed Whites (30)
- Pure Persians (19)
- Males (10)
- GC Cacao Cornerstone of Dovon (0102-231459)
- GC Cacao Rebate of Soesthill (0102-311244)
- GC, NW Cacao Xcitement, DM (0102-1645689)
- GC Cacao Quincie of Pristinekatz (0102-1662062)
- GP, RW Cacao Shauney Nbesnoye Dragotsennost (0102-1679065)
- GP, RW Cacao Animatron (0102-1725204)
- GP Cacao Skylark (0102-1753949)
- GC, RW Cacao Nights In White Satin (0102-1792687)
- GC, RW Cacao Beautiful Oblivion (0102-1799741)
- GC, RW Cacao White Walker of Woodspirit (0102-02493175)
- Females (9)
- GC Cacao Cumulus (0103-244508)
- GC Cacao Sugar Babe of Dovon (0103-240626)
- GC, RW Cacao Celeste of W-Ali-Baba (0103-260448)
- GC Dovon's Isn't that Special of Cacao (0103-404281)
- GC Cacao Quippy (0103-1658444)
- GC Cacao Pachette De Resistance (0103-1690843)
- GC Cacao The Real Thing Baby (0103-1672347)
- GP Cacao Dixie (0103-2057371)
- GC Cacao Guinevere of Shezne (0103-2515921)
- Males (10)
- Color-point Carriers (11)
- Males (5)
- GC Cacao Cannon Fodder (3002-1740329)
- GP, RW Cacao Rigby (3002-2057368)
- GP Cacao Imagine Dragon (3002-1761967)
- GP, NW Cacao Westin (3002-2598581)
- GP Cacao Rise Above (3002-02756462)
- Females (6)
- GC, RW Cacao Emily (3003-585853)
- GC Cacao Snowcrystal (3003-644126)
- GC Cacao Innovation (3003-1702725)
- GC, RW Hisglory Anticipation (3003-2069043)
- GC Hisglory Carissa (3003-2071114)
- GP Cacao La Madeleine (3003-02598583)
- Males (5)
- Pure Persians (19)
- Odd-Eyed Whites (3)
- Pure Persians (2)
- Females (2)
- GC Cacao Calamity Jane (0105-150450)
- GC, RW Tumblewind May Day of Cacao (0105-2119)
- Females (2)
- Color-point Carriers (1)
- Females (1)
- GC, RW Cacao Zelda (3005-581315)
- Females (1)
- Pure Persians (2)
- Blacks (47)
- Pure Persians (14)
- Males (9)
- GC Cacao Abercrombie, DM (0108-1286910)
- GC Cacao Fitch (0108-1286911)
- GC, NW Cacao Muy Sexy (0108-1597835)
- GC Cacao Pay The Piper (0108-1672346)
- GC, RW Cacao Transcendental (0108-1719665)
- GC, RW Cacao Raise The Pressure (0108-1728242)
- GC, RW Cacao Darque Shadeaux of Marjorose (0108-1741783)
- GP Cacao Frolic (0108-1753950)
- GP Cacao Winslow (0108-2057370)
- Females (5)
- GC Cacao Consolation Prize (0109-098538)
- GC Cacao Veiled Vintage (0109-1419272)
- GC Cacao Sixth Sense, DM (0109-1591548)
- GC Marcus Raise It Baby of Cacao, DM (0109-1683032)
- GC, RW Cacao Obsidian Butterfly (0109-1790939)
- Males (9)
- Color-point Carriers (33)
- Males (22)
- GP Cacao Samson (3008-322079)
- GC, RW Cacao Some Kind-O'-Miracle (3008-404170)
- GC Cacao Miracles Still Happen (3008-430178)
- GC Cacao's Together Again (3008-520010)
- GC Cacao High Hopes of Drawnto (3008-624971)
- GC Cacao Bosco of Kisan (3008-757534)
- GC Cacao Second Chance of Pellos (3008-808752)
- GC Cacao Gabriel (3008-848974)
- GC Cacao Moonshine (3008-1324749)
- GP Cacao Magitek (3008-1375465)
- GC, RW Cacao Discord (3008-1377028)
- GP Cacao Tuneless (3008-1375460)
- GP Cacao Yancy (3008-1539668)
- GP Cacao Parviz Delam of Gorbe Irani (3008-1490400)
- GP Cacao Nostalgia (3008-1591549)
- GP Cacao Derek Jeter of Cottontop (3008-1598239)
- GC, RW Cacao Clone Wars of Gorbe Irani (3008-1707350)
- GP, RW Cacao Aidan of Marjorose (3008-1726931)
- GP Cacao New Hope (3008-1720861)
- GP, RW Cacao Judge Alexander Tuff (3008-2049222)
- GC Cacao Rise Against (3008-02756463)
- GP, RW Cacao Foxglove (3008-3004154)
- Females (11)
- GC Cacao Molly (3009-644125)
- GC Cacao Kayla of Tomapaws (3009-730526)
- GC Cacao Jamaica (3009-820280)
- GC Dalu Esmeralda of Cacao, DM (3009-782099)
- GC Cacao Juliet (3009-848973)
- GC Cacao Discreet (3009-1412305)
- GC Cacao Unruffled (3009-1497084)
- GC Cacao Rainbows In The Night (3009-1493306)
- GP Cacao Angelina (3009-1562448)
- GP Cacao Nadia of Marjorose (3009-1730474)
- GC Cacao Hyacinth (3009-2946829)
- Males (22)
- Pure Persians (14)
- Blues (7)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Males(1)
- GP Cacao Rutherford (0106-2454761)
- Females(2)
- CH, GP Cacao Illusion of Jolong (0107-124371)
- GC, RW Cacao Fifth Element (0107-1337278)
- Males(1)
- Color-point Carriers(4)
- Males(3)
- GP Cacao Must Love Dogs (3006-1562449)
- GP Cacao Dover (3006-2741258)
- GP, RW Cacao Judge Samuel Brooks (3006-02738695)
- Females(1)
- GP Cacao Imitation Blue (3007-02022670)
- Males(3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Reds(3)
- Pure Persians (1)
- Males(1)
- GP Cacao Cinnabar (0110-1365317)
- Males(1)
- Color-point Carriers(2)
- Males(2)
- CH, GP Cacao Copernicus (3010-910185)
- GC, RW Cacao Mister Lincoln (3010-02938153)
- Males(2)
- Pure Persians (1)
- Creams(5)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Males(1)
- GC Cacao Destiny of Samaris (0114-141445)
- Males(1)
- Color-point Carriers(4)
- Males(3)
- GC Cacao Pointless of Montesol (3014-341195)
- GC Cacao Oboise (3014-820279)
- GC Cacao Odie (3014-2257576)
- Females(1)
- GC, RW Cacao Apricot Candy (3015-2041290)
- Males(3)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Blue-Eyed Whites (4)
- Tabbies(11)
- Brown Classic Tabby(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Males(1)
- GC, RW Cacao Bacardi (0144-2021024)
- Males(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Brown Mackerel Tabby(2)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Males(1)
- GC Cacao Musician (0144M-1515092)
- Females(1)
- GC Cacao Sweet Pea (0145M-1642918)
- Males(1)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Brown Patched Classic Tabby(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- GC, RW Cacao Undeniable Love of Bayou Moon (1145-2027410)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Red Classic Tabby(2)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Males(2)
- GP Cacao Hot Pursuit of Cottontop (0140-1595313)
- GP, RW Cacao Judge Theodore Russell (0140-02386039)
- Males(2)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Red Mackerel Tabby(3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Males(3)
- GC Cacao Tristan of Jude (0140M-1424714)
- GP Cacao Man On Fire (0140M-1590174)
- GC Cacao Like A Boss (0140M-1779813)
- Males(3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Blue Classic Tabby(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Males(1)
- GP Cacao Boo-Boo L'Amour Est Bleu (0152-1680059)
- Males(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Blue Mackerel Tabby(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Females(1)
- GC, RW Cacao Sheer Elegance (0153M-1746538)
- Females(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Brown Classic Tabby(1)
- Particolors(15)
- Torties(12)
- Pure Persians(4)
- GC K-Bar-O's Firecracker of Cacao (0147-010291)
- GC Cacao Merry Go Round (0147-1276425)
- GC, RW Kittiary Fiesta! of Cacao (0147-1494972)
- GC Cacao Xacta of Pristinekatz (0147-1641572)
- Color-point Carriers(7)
- GC Cacao Sweet Tart (3047-303474)
- CH, GP Cacao Celebration of Dalu (3047-457649)
- GC Dalu Tasha of Cacao (3047-769504)
- GC Cacao Caffeine (3047-1324751)
- GC Cacao Jessica (3047-1375466)
- GP Cacao Lady Ginny Bear (3047-1782730)
- GC, RW Cacao Hocus Pocus of Raggamops (3047-2418421)
- GC Cacao Odd Flower (3047-03046576)
- Pure Persians(4)
- Bluecream(3)
- Pure Persians(1)
- GC Cacao Drama Queen (0151-1672345)
- Color-point Carriers(2)
- GC Cacao Initiative (3051-1702724)
- CH, GP Cacao Abigail Adams (3051-2065294)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Torties(12)
- Bi-Colors (104)
- Calicos (3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- GC Dalu Ain't Miss Behavin of Cacao (0149-1231665)
- GC Cacao Firestarter (0149-1590175)
- GC Cacao Sea Spice (0149-03046577)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Dilute Calicos (7)
- Pure Persians(6)
- GC Cacao Camelia of Fleurelaine (0119-1424577)
- GC, RW Cacao Daydream (0119-1401599)
- GC Cedar Rose Goldie Hawn of Cacao, DM (0119-1554692)
- GP Cacao Le Macaron De Ladure (0119-1598695)
- GC, RW Cacao Pandorica (0119-1721252)
- GP Cacao Brie of Takethemoon (0119-03026197)
- Color-point Carriers(1)
- GC Cacao Expand Your Horizons (3019-1607744)
- Pure Persians(6)
- Black & White(12)
- Pure Persians(9)
- Males(6)
- GC Brannaway Picasso of Cedarrose(1108-1463462) *
- GP Cacao Dance All Night of Kittiary (1108-1484068)
- GC, RW Cacao Gateway (1108-1574965)
- GP Cacao Knockitoff With The Knockoffs (1108-1673911)
- GP Cacao Quit Copying Me (1108-1673910)
- GC Cacao Define The Dark (1108-02779226)
- Females(3)
- GC, RW Cacao Shannon (1109-1532391)
- GP Cacao Maiya (1109-1699141)
- GC, RW Augustjoy Reckless Abandon of Cacao (1109-02911688)
- Males(6)
- Color-point Carriers(3)
- Males(2)
- CH, GP Cacao Pickwick (3108-688928)
- GP Cacao Off-Key (3108-1375461)
- Females(1)
- GC Cacao Prudence (3109-1412306)
- Males(2)
- Pure Persians(9)
- Blue & White(12)
- Pure Persians(12)
- Males(10)
- GC Dalu Harbor Lights of Cacao, DM (1106-1231667)
- GC Cacao Manheim Steamroller of Pristinekatz (1106-1455236)
- GC, RW Cacao Dawson's Creek (1106-1616119)
- GC Cacao Wanna B A Star of Inthewind (1106-1664449)
- GP Cacao Just Think About It (1106-1669744)
- GP, RW Cacao Stop Kidding Yourself (1106-1692480)
- GP Cacao You Make Me Happy (1106-1699633)
- GP, RW Cacao Texas Ranger (1106-1709233)
- GC, NW Cacao Feckless (1106-02990200)
- GC, RW Cacao Hasty of Meowlody (1106-03034467)
- Females(2)
- GC Cacao Make No Exceptions (1107-1668083)
- CH, GP Cacao Well Worth The Wait (1107-02895274)
- Males(10)
- Pure Persians(12)
- Red & White(3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Males(3)
- GC Brannaway Can I Play Too? of Cacao (0190-430158)
- GC Cacao Logical Progression of Pajean (1110-1711208)
- GC Cacao Ignition of Pajean, DM (1110-1725952)
- Males(3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Cream & White(5)
- Pure Persians(5)
- Males(3)
- GC, RW Cacao Pachelbel Cannon (1114-1455234)
- GC Cacao Genuine Article (1114-1668084)
- GP Cacao Hickory Dickory (1114-03041039)
- Females(2)
- GC Cacao Persephone (1115-1268477)
- GC, RW Cacao Xtra Cream N Sugar (1115-1641535)
- Males(3)
- Pure Persians(5)
- Brown Tabby & White(28)
- Pure Persians(28)
- Males(14)
- GC Brannaway Modigliani (1142-1463461)
- GP Cacao Tabbie Teaser Delight (1142-1512084)
- GC, NW Cacao Make Everything Magical (1142-1627073)
- GC Cacao Accept No Imitations (1142-1664428)
- GC Cacao Dignity (1142-1699140)
- GP Cacao Integrity (1142-1699142)
- GC, NW Cacao Whiskey In The Water (1142-2122840)
- GP, RW Cacao Brock (1142-2812866)
- GP, RW Cacao Call Me Irresponsible (1142-2891470)
- GP, RW Cacao Zion (1142-02965547)
- GC Cacao Root Beer of Neshamasheli (1142-02936929)
- GC Cacao Kanak Attack (1142-02970695)
- GC Cacao Jameson of Storybrooke (1142-03005900)
- GP Cacao Fool's Gold (1142-03030024)
- Females(14)
- GC Brannaway Starta Commotion of Cacao (1143-1385182)
- GC Brannaway Georgia O'Keefe, DM (1143-1463463)*
- GC Brannaway Betursweetbippy of Cacao, DM (1143-1521073)
- GC, RW Cacao A Simple Design (1143-1688101)
- GC, RW Cacao Coral Rose, DM (1143-2812756)
- GC, RW Cacao Caribbean Breeze (1143-2963463)
- GC, RW Cacao Jubilee of Neshama Sheli (1143-02963359)
- GC Cacao Kokomo (1143-02970696)
- GC, RW Cacao Fickle (1143-02976424)
- GC Cacao Whiskey Business (1143-03005831)
- GP Cacao Texas Rose of Jazzycats (1143-02898990)
- GC Cacao Aura Bora (1143-03026198)
- GC Cacao Coco Rico (1143-03026199)
- GC Cacao Rogue Rose (1143-03034891)
- Males(14)
- Pure Persians(28)
- Red Tabby & White(3)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Males (2)
- GP Cacao Garrick (1140-02812864)
- GC, RW Cacao Fire Bomb of Friskykits (1140-03017909)
- Males (2)
- Color-point Carriers(1)
- Females(1)
- GP Cacao Flirting With Disaster (3141-02234747)
- Females(1)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Blue Tabby & White(5)
- Pure Persians(5)
- Males (3)
- GC, RW Cacao Ghost Rider (1156-02954839)
- GP Cacao Bronson (1156-03055850)
- GP Cacao Ocean Balm (1156-3046575)
- Females(2)
- GC, RW Cacao Midsummer (1157-2891462)
- GC Cacao Penelope (1157-1740331)
- Males (3)
- Pure Persians(5)
- Brown Patched Tabby & White(2)
- Pure Persians(2)
- GC, GPD, NW Cacao Fire In My Pachette, DM (1187-1539862) **
- GC Cacao Flower Bomb (1187-2135468)
- Pure Persians(2)
- Blue Patched Tabby & White(3)
- Pure Persians(3)
- GC Cacao Glamorous Image (1189-1746539)
- GC Cacao Scented Garden (1189-03017871)
- CH, GP, RW Cacao Impulsive Behaviors (1189-02949300)
- Pure Persians(3)
- Cameo Tabby & White(5)
- Pure Persians(5)
- Males (4)
- GC, RW Cacao Scented Valentine (1166-02848987)
- GC Cacao Stand And Deliver (1166-2831200)
- GC, RW Cacao Star Knight of Storybrooke (1166-03012674)
- GP Cacao Sherlock (1166-03046347)
- Females(1)
- GC Cacao Because I Can (1167-2072070)
- Males (4)
- Pure Persians(5)
- Silver Tabby & White(8)
- Pure Persians(8)
- Males (5)
- GC Cacao Whiskey Sour (1132-02932076
- GP, RW Cacao Perrier (1132-02941077)
- GC Cacao Comic Relief of Everpaw (1132-03022734)
- GC Cacao Hello Operator (1132-03037483)
- GP Cacao Sammy (1132-03034024)
- Females(3)
- GC Cacao Star Light (1133-03011573)
- GP Cacao Whimsical (1133-03034888)
- GC Cacao Cirriform (1133-03055172)
- Males (5)
- Pure Persians(8)
- Blue Silver Tabby & White(4)
- Pure Persians(4)
- Males (3)
- GC, NW Cacao Intrusive Thoughts, DM (1338-02931348)
- GP Cacao Louis Barstow of Jotom (1338-02978946)
- GC Cacao Summertime Blues of Klamarena (1338-03012673)
- Females(1)
- GC Cacao Capricious (1339-03034889)
- Males (3)
- Pure Persians(4)
- Black Smoke & White(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Males (1)
- GP Cacao Ashcroft (1134-03041041)
- Males (1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Red Smoke & White(1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Males (1)
- GP Cacao Braxton (1164-02741343)
- Males (1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Silver Patched Tabby & White (1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- GC Cacao Instigator (1159-02994260)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Blue Silver Patched Tabby & White (1)
- Pure Persians(1)
- GC Cacao Tisket (1347-02994400)
- Pure Persians(1)
- Calicos (3)
- Pointed (55)
- Seal Points (30)
- Males (16)
- GC Cacao Sioux City Lioux (0172-172050)
- GC Cacao Escapade of Kadoni (3272-331129)
- CH, GP Cacao Mr. Chips of Vashlyn (3272-368395)
- GC Cacao Triumph of Tomapaws (3272-480227)
- GC, NW Cacao More Than A Miracle (3272-561719)
- GC Cacao Mario (3272-644127)
- GC, RW Cacao City Slicker (3272-716518)
- GP Cacao Julian (3272-1091272)
- GC Cacao Seabiscuit (3272-1442991)
- GC HLE Back To The Basics of Cacao (3272-1390999)
- GC Inthewind Invinceable of Cacao, DM (3272-1675875)
- GC, RW Cacao Jedi of Brazen Catz (3272-1714109)
- GC, RW Cacao Harrison (3272-1779809)
- GC Cacao Mucho Macho Man of Analeee (3272-1772569)
- GC, RW Cacao Hamilton (3272-2515566)
- GC, RW Cacao Colpocalypse (3272-2616439)
- Females (14)
- GC Cacao Dreamboat Annie (0173-050288)
- GC. RW Cacao Martian Cricket (0173-156940)
- GC, RW Cacao First Things First (3273-209905)
- GC Cacao Prelude (3273-363293)
- GC Cacao Jolly Jogger (3273-581314)
- GC, RW Cacao Coming Attraction (3273-696683)
- GC Cacao Whispurr (3273-688931)
- GC Cacao Dust Bunny (3273-736299)
- GC Cacao Sophia (3273-736910)
- GC Cacao Raquelle (3273-862193)
- GC Cacao Ruffles (3273-1424706)
- GC, RW Cacao Focal Point (3273-1524767)
- GC Cacao Gloria Jean (3273-1558636)
- GC Dal-Bo's Hailey of Cacao (3273-1684547)
- Males (16)
- Blue Points (4)
- Males (3)
- GC Cacao Riddick of Catsrealm (3276-1557153)
- GC Cacao Derby Day of Fultonblue (3276-1557957)
- GC Cacao Honey Badger (3276-2776381)
- Females (1)
- GC Cacao Gevalia, DM (3277-1558637)
- Males (3)
- Bluecream-points(3)
- GC Cacao Crossfire of Shiekspurr (0189-001624)
- GC Cacao Maritza of Hisglory (3289-2051038)
- GC Cacao Nordic Sunset (3289-2440979)
- Tortie Points(7)
- GC, RW Cacao Essence Rare (0193-002563)
- GC, RW Cacao Chia Pet (3293-688930)
- GC Cacao Sophie of Mobelar (3293-1392923)
- GC Cacao Pearly White (3293-1460307)
- GC Cacao Frangelica (3293-1698047)
- GC, RW Cacao China Doll (3293-2022685)
- GP Cacao Born Without Fear (3293-2041291)
- Flame Points(6)
- Males(6)
- GC Cacao Baby Tiger (3278-331133)
- GC Cacao Patriot of Lil-Cookies (3278-677571)
- GC Cacao Punono of Kisan (3278-1358612)
- GC Cacao Rachmaninoff of Tanglebox (3278-1453916)
- GC Cacao Somebody's Hero of Fultonblue (3278-1509236)
- GC Cacao Against All Odds (3278-03011637)
- Males(6)
- Cream Points(4)
- Males(4)
- GC, RW Cacao Criteria (3296-464134)
- GC, RW Cacao Link (3296-581316)
- GC, RW Countrygal Konrad of Cacao (3296-1756240)
- GP, RW Cacao Casanova of Casavieja (3296-1779786)
- Males(4)
- Seal-Lynx Points(1)
- Males(1)
- GC Cacao Francois-Rene of Hisglory (3252-2046620)
- Males(1)
- Seal Points (30)
- Other Breeds (46)
- American Shorthairs (Silver Classic tabby unless otherwise noted) (19)
- Males(13)
- GC Detente's Excalibur of Cacao (0736-1459576)
- GP, RW Cacao Tiger Paw
- GP Cacao Daunte of Lou-Dennin
- GC, RW Cacao Silverado (0736-1692484)
- GC Cacao Silver Shadow of Tylona
- GC KC Dancer's Lucky Eagle of Cacao (0736-1755839)
- GC, RW Aspire Curious George of Cacao (7076-1779784) *Silver Tabby & White
- GC, RW Cacao Silver Arrow (0736-2041981)
- GC, RW Cacao Silver Warrior (0736-2112076)
- GC, RW Murrznpurrz Gladiator of Cacao (0736-02391341)
- GP Cacao Silver Gadget (0736-2839003)
- GC Catalpa Rocket Man (0736-02943807)
- GC Cacao Rocket Science (0736-03046910)
- GC Murrznpurrz Paladin of Cacao (7076-03048293) *Silver tabby & white
- Females (6)
- GC Taz-N-Toonce's Miki Sakura of Cacao
- GC Cacao Snow Leopard
- GC Cacao Shaina (0737-1590176)
- GC, RW Cacao Storm Dancer (0737-02970740)
- GC Cacao Vanilla Swirl (0737-03022818)
- CH, GP Cacao Cinnabon (0745-03022817) *Brown classic tabby
- Males(13)
- American Wirehair (18)
- Males(12)
- GC, RW Birjanji's J R (9992-1695568)
- GP, RW Birjanji's Silver BB of Cacao (9992-1697195)
- GC, BW, RW Cacao Kinky Surprise (9992-1744755)
- GC Cacao In A Twist of Birjanji (9992-1742053)
- GC Russeller's Frizzie Izzie of Cacao (9992-1757314)
- GC Cacao Texas Twister of Gorbe Irani (9992-1753970)
- GP, RW Cacao Zabimaru (9992-1750202)
- GC, BW, RW Cacao Bug Zapper (9992-1776134)
- GC, RW Cacao Energy Shot (9992-02065293)
- GC, BW, RW Cacao Crinkle Uprising (9936-02744117)
- GP Cacao Corkscrew Revolution (9936S-02744126)
- GC, RW Cacao Batteries Not Included (9936-02854943)
- Females (6)
- GC, BW, RW Birjanji's Bluestar of Cacao (9961-1725040)
- GC Cacao Double Zapped (9993-1776135)
- GC Cacao Befrazzled (9993-2022686)
- GC, RW Cacao This Girl Is On Wire (9993-02046356)
- GC, RW Cacao Macchiato Espresso (9993-02734378
- GC Cacao Frizzle Stick (9993-02919324)
- Males(12)
- Russian Blue (1)
- Males(1)
- GP, RW Pavlova's Chucky's Revenge of Cacao
- Males(1)
- Turkish Van (1)
- Males(1)
- GP Caravanserai Nokta of Cacao (black/white odd eye)
- Males(1)
- Exotic Shorthair (6)
- Males(3)
- GC, RW Cacao Espionage (7992-02774850)
- GC, RW Cacao Heathen (7806-02801587)
- GP, RW Cacao Sardonyx (7708-02941664)
- Females (3)
- GC, RW Jazzycats D'lila (7709-02597487)
- GC Cacao Divergent (7807-02801491)
- CH, GP Cacao Hustle (7809-02805863)
- Males(3)
- American Shorthairs (Silver Classic tabby unless otherwise noted) (19)
* = GC Brannaway Picasso, GC Brannaway Georgia O'Keefe, and GC Brannaway Modigliani (littermates) were raised, shown, and granded by Cacao for Brannaway Cattery, so they are included as part of our grands. Both GC, RW Hisglory Anticipation and GC Hisglory Carissa were also conditioned and granded by Cacao from kittens, so they are also included. There have been other cats that have been conditioned, shown, and granded by us for other catteries in the past - GC Cactusway Chocolate Bruiser and GC Caliente The Giz of Ghin are two examples - but we chose only to include cats that were with us from kittens through adults/granding. The others came to us as adults with some grand points.
** = GC, GPD, NW Cacao Fire In My Pachette, DM is the only "double" grand on this list. She is only counted once toward the total number of grands.